公司地址(中文):深圳市福田保税区市花路长富金茂大厦14层 (总部)
公司地址(英文):14F, Changfu Jinmao Building(CFC), Trade-freeZone, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
鲲云科技是一家人工智能芯片公司,基于Wayne Luk院士及团队在数据流领域三十多年技术积累,自主研发了一种新型AI芯片架构“数据流架构”CAISA3.0,并基于该芯片架构发布了全球首款可商用数据流AI芯片CAISA,突破传统芯片架构对芯片利用率的约束,在芯片利用率上实现领先突破,最高可达95.4%,在该芯片性能指标带来了10倍以上的提升,实测算力可超出同类GPU的3倍以上,为人工智能加速方案带来高性能、低延时、高算力性价比,为AI芯片开拓了一条新的技术路线。同时,基于高算力性价比AI算力产品CAISA,鲲云为行业提供算力、算法、平台一体化的AI 视频分析解决方案,在城市治理、安监安防、能源化工等领域落地1000+客户案例。
Corerain Technologies is a leading artificial intelligence chip company, based on more than 30 years of technical accumulation in the field of data streaming by Prof. Wayne Luk and his team, developing a new AI chip architecture CAISA3.0, Custom Artificial Intelligence Streaming Accelerator (CAISA) Architecture, and released the world's first commercially available streaming AI chip CAISA. With a series of technical breakthroughs, this chip utilised the advantages of the data streaming architecture and achieved over 10x efficiency when compared with other similar products in the market. With only 1/3 of the peak performance, CASIA chip can provide over 3 times measurable performance of the popular GPU based products. The accelerator chip is already in mass production status, for accelerating AI computing with its high performance,low latency and high cost effectiveness.Based on CAISA chip, Corerain provides AI visual intelligence analysis solutions to accelerate AI deployment in smart cities, smart EHS management, smart manufacturing and other fields.