公司名称(英文):SiChain semiconductors (Ningbo) Co.,Ltd
公司地址(英文):Building 42,No.136 Yuhai East Road, Hangzhou Bay New District, Ningbo, Zhejiang
清纯半导体为国内领先的碳化硅功率器件供应商,公司拥有国际领先的研发团队,具有领先的器件设计能力、制造工艺和稳定的产能保障,建设有完善的器件设计实验室、可靠性实验室、失效分析实验室,并通过ISO9001体系认证。公司已突破国产SiC功率器件设计及大规模制造瓶颈,在极短时间内先后开发出自主知识产权的SiC二极管及MOSFET器件产品,并先后通过AEC-Q101车规级可靠性认证,是目前国内少数能够在SiC器件核心性能和可靠性方面达到国际领先水平、且基于国内产线量产SiC MOSFET的企业,相关产品已经在光伏、储能、充电桩、新能源汽车等领域得到广泛应用。清纯半导体始终瞄准国际技术前沿,坚持创新引领,以提供国际一流的碳化硅功率芯片为己任,愿与各方一道携手共赢,共创辉煌。
SiChain Semiconductor is a leading supplier of silicon carbide (SiC) power devices in China, with cutting edge device design capability, fabrication process know-how and strong supplier chain management. SiChain Semiconductor owns a state-of-the-art power semiconductor design and testing facility, including an electrical characterization laboratory, a reliability testing laboratory and a failure mode analysis laboratory. With more than twenty intellectual properties that focus on the design and fabrication of SiC power devices, SiChain is one of the few domestic suppliers that are able to provide automotive grade SiC MOSFET and diodes. All SiChain’s power devices have passed automotive reliability requirement, AEC-Q101, with additional 80% biased breakdown voltage during the H3TRB testing, and have successfully been adopted in solar inverter, energy storage system, charging station and electrified vehicle applications. It has always been SiChain’s vision to provide the world-class SiC power devices and to create a win-win relationship with its partner.