公司名称(英文):Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
公司地址(英文):No. 211 Xingguang Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo
诺丁汉大学卓越灯塔计划(宁波)创新研究院(以下简称“灯塔研究院”)由宁波市人民政府 与英国诺丁汉大学合作,在宁波国家高新技术产业开发区落地。灯塔研究院以打造国际一流科研机构为发展目标,以地方战略和需求为导向,着眼于前沿科技创新和重大科技项目攻关,围绕智能制造、绿色化工与能源、生命健康三大研究领域,以全球视野聚焦科技创新,汇集全球智慧,打造一流学术团队,产出一批引领性、原创性、标志性的成果,领航创新型产业发展,为浙江省打造世界科创高地提供支撑保障。
灯塔研究院充分利用宁波诺丁汉大学立足本土、面向全球的独特优势,引进英国诺丁汉大学“卓 越灯塔计划”的科研资源,致力于独创性领域的研究和前沿技术的开拓,集创新研究、成果转化、 技术转移、人才培养于一体,打造国内领先、国际一流的科技创新综合平台,以支撑和带动产业发展。
The Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute (hereinafter referred to as "the China Beacons Institute") was jointly established by Management Committee of Ningbo National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and Zhejiang Wanli Education Group, under the framework agreement signed between University of Nottingham and Ningbo Municipal Government. Aimed at establishing a world-leading scientific research institute, the China Beacons Institute is guided by local strategies and needs, focusing on major scientific and technological projects and cutting-edge technological innovation. Intelligent Manufacturing, Green Chemicals and Energy, and Life Science and Healthcare are the three key research themes to promote innovation from a global perspective.
The China Beacons Institute will leverage the unique “Ningbo-based and global-oriented” advantages of UNNC. By introducing the key international technological and innovative resources of the Beacons of Excellence from the UK, the intention is to attract global technology innovation resources. This will allow the China Beacons Institute to focus on original research and cuttingedge new technology development, the aim being to establish a world-class scientific and technological innovation platform with innovative research, research achievement transformation, technology transfer and talent cultivation, in order to support and drive the industry development of Ningbo.